According to the BBC’s handy calculator, Will a robot take your job?, there is a 38% chance of my being replaced by a robot at some point in the future. Out of a list of 366 jobs, based on research by Oxford University, a curator (or archivist) comes in at number 206 of jobs atRead More
Month: February 2017
Newsreels and history
This is the text of a talk I gave to a research event on newsreels at CIAC research centre, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, on 9 February 2017. I’ve also published it as a PDF, with footnotes instead of hyperlinks. In the original talk I ended with eight reasons for using newsreels to study history,Read More
The drummer
Having written blog posts on the guitar solo and the bassline, I had been planning a follow-up on drum beats. The need to do so now has been triggered by the sad news of the death last month of the greatest of all drummers – sorry, but I will brook no argument here – JakiRead More