
I was glancing through the statistics page of my Flickr account the other day when I noticed that I had just passed two million views. That feels like quite something for someone with limited photographic ability and maybe a narrow range of interests, or at least a narrow range of places visited and photographed. IRead More

Motion and time

In 1830 two men were born who were to have an immense influence on the creation of cinematography, both technically and aesthetically. Both died in the same year, 1904. Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey are recognised as the twin pillars on which the art and science of motion pictures were formed. It is a measureRead More


I have been going round and round in circles. With all of the interesting and historical and often beautiful sites on offer, near to home or within a reasonable walking distance, increasingly I have found myself drawn to one small corner of Rochester. The Riverside development is a major regeneration programme, converting a large areaRead More