For the third in my series of reviews of 2024 we have images. These are some favourite photographs of mine taken over the year. Each one has a link to a higher resolution version on my Flickr site. My favourite photograph of the year is at the top.
Category: Photography
Albert Kahn’s world
When you step into the Musée Albert-Kahn, one of the most beautiful and extraordinary places in the whole of Paris, a notice on the wall speaks out to you in French and English: Je ne vous demande qu’une chose, c’est d’avoir les yeux grands ouverts I only ask one thing of you: keep your eyesRead More
Motion and time
In 1830 two men were born who were to have an immense influence on the creation of cinematography, both technically and aesthetically. Both died in the same year, 1904. Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey are recognised as the twin pillars on which the art and science of motion pictures were formed. It is a measureRead More
2022 – the year in images
Finally, in this short series of reviews of 2022, we have images. Below is a selection of favourite photographs from the year, excluding images of the Lake District, which form the theme of the previous review post. All have links to higher resolution copies on my Flickr pages. The images document the year as itRead More
2022 – the year in the Lakes
Next up in the reviews of my year is a year in the Lake District. It wasn’t a year as such, but it was five weeks, over three holiday periods, the longest I have spent over twelve months in a part of the country that means a lot to me. Below are favourite photos thatRead More
2021 – the year in images
Next in the reviews of 2021 comes images – personal images, that is. The usual mixture of nature composing itself to its best advantage, abstract art discovered in run-down places, and people arranging themselves as they will. For higher resolution versions click on the title links, which will take you to my Flickr pages. MyRead More
2020 – the year in images
2020 was the year in which I photographed. Under lockdown, with all that emptiness and those astonishing clear skies, it was the thing to do. You shared images of anything on social media, just to tell people that you were still there, seeing things. I took many pictures of my home town of Rochester, discoveringRead More
I have been going round and round in circles. With all of the interesting and historical and often beautiful sites on offer, near to home or within a reasonable walking distance, increasingly I have found myself drawn to one small corner of Rochester. The Riverside development is a major regeneration programme, converting a large areaRead More
Seeing and photographing
To Tate Britain, to see an exhibition of the paintings of Frank Bowling, of whom (I am ashamed to say) I knew nothing before now, but to whom I am now absolutely devoted. Bowling is a Guyanese-born artist, who moved to Britain in 1953, trained at the Royal College of Art alongside David Hockney andRead More
Back to life
Here is a family photograph. I know who the one on the left is, but not the one on the right, and I long to know more. If only she could tell me something about herself. If only she could talk. Well, one day maybe not so far away, she will. I’ve been writing aboutRead More