Next up in the reviews of my year is a year in the Lake District. It wasn’t a year as such, but it was five weeks, over three holiday periods, the longest I have spent over twelve months in a part of the country that means a lot to me. Below are favourite photos that I took in Cumbria over 2022, roughly in chronological order (I was there in January, September/October and December). Each has a link to a higher-resolution version. If you want to see more, they are all documented on my Flickr Lake District and Cumbria pages, together with many other photos taken from 2008 onwards.

As i have never visited the Lake District I am hoping to take a short coach trip holiday there next year. Wishing you an excellent 2023!
Hello Linda,
I am sure that you will love it. When it stops raining it is so beautiful – and it can be quite beautiful when the rain is falling too. Have a happy 2023.